262 DC Marvel Movie Characters

What if Elseworlds exists? What you watch as movies/TV shows are actual occurrences in the vast array of multiverses. Strong is the nexus of realities that without the knowledge of the actors of this universe that they are actually portraying an iteration of themselves in another reality. Though in a crooked twist of fate this universe, where an unusual number of would have been heroes/villains are gathered, lacks all the amazing and fantastical characteristics of the other multiverses. We are left with costume devices, CG effects and cheap make-up to recreate what should have been. In this universe it is possible to gather in one place a number of those would have been Batmen or Supermen. And it is not unlikely also that an individual, like this person named RYAN REYNOLDS, could be several heroes or villains in other universes. I Am Access, the gateway (in print I am owned by both DC and Marvel, in this reality I am an individual living in one of the tiny islands in Southeast Asia), I have gathered these images of these so called heroes and villains for the sole purpose of knowledge (and for the sake of this site not for any COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT).

click MENU on lower left of ACCESS WALLPAPER to zoom

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